Gitops With Kubernetes
GitOps with Kubernetes
In 2017, a cloud-native company Weaveworks release a blog post called “GitOps — Operations by Pull Request”. The post introduces the term GitOps defining it as *using Git as a source of truth to operate almost anything. *Since then GitOps movement has been growing and gaining in popularity.
How to Create Kubernetes Homelab
How to Learn Devops
How to learn and stay up to date with DevOps and Cloud Native technologies
Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.
Bejnamin Franklin
Know what is important to know
A famous Greek philosopher Aristotle (384 BC — 322 BC) has been called the last person to know everything there was to know in the science. Since than science grown exponentially, became divided and subdivided into specialized, narrow disciplines.
How to Good Sofware Documentatiion
I have given a talk about this topic at the WorldWide Architecture Summit 2 on the 3rd of August 2021. You can find the talk recording here.
Cloud Native Developer Workflow
Cloud Native - Developer Workflow
Software Development Lifecycle with Kubernetes and Docker
Software development tooling and processes have evolved rapidly in last decade to meet growing needs of developers. On top of mastering, often a few, programing languages and paradigms, software developers must learn to navigate increasingly complex landscape of tools and processes.
5 Static Websites Deployment Options
Photo by Christina @ on Unsplash
Static websites have become a mainstream content delivery medium consumed by modern browsers. In this blog, we will look at different ways of deploying a sample static website using automated CI/CD pipelines and different hosting providers.
Expose Kubernetes Service Using Ngrok
Expose local Kubernetes service on internet using ngrok
Working with local Kubernetes cluster such as minikube, k3s, microk8s or others is great for testing new features, experimenting and running POCs. Once you are ready with a cool new functionality or just want to share quickly results of your work with colleagues or customers, well you have to push everything to an online cluster. It might not be an issue if you have good CI/CD pipeline setup, but most of the time it’s simply too much effort for a simple one-off demo.
Introduction to Docker
Continue reading if you are interested in learning about Docker architecture and how containers work.
Portable Kubernetes Management With Kubectl in Docker Container
Portable Kubernetes management with kubectl in Docker container
Saying that Kubernetes is becoming mainstream would be an understatement. In fact, it has influenced how modern distributed systems are designed and operated. By abstracting away infrastructure concerns we are able to leverage Kubernetes as a “platform to build platforms” or “cloud operating system” with lots of obvious benefits, but also development and operational challenges.