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Kubernetes in a box

· 7 min read

Photo by Mia Golic on Unsplash

This article will be helpful for anyone interested in setting up a local Kubernetes dev/test environment in a reproducible and easy way. Source code for this blog is available in this companion repository.

There are several reasons why local Kubernetes environment is useful:

  • cloud native apps development including sharing it
  • checking out new helm chart before deploying to prod
  • testing infrastructure changes and configuration
  • testing new Kubernetes versions

but of course the list goes on beyond that.

Given that a local or test Kubernetes environment is so useful, its creation should be fully automated. Let's learn how to do it.

What setup to choose

There are a lot of choices as it comes to running a local Kubernetes instance, but we are going to focus on KIND. KIND is very easy to maintain and fast to set up. Second best IMO is k3s.

Imperative vs Declarative

Before we dive into the setup, let's talk about declarative vs imperative approach. Anything imperative is usually frowned upon in the DevOps/Cloud-Native world. I'd argue that both approaches makes sense depending on the circumstances.

Whenever it comes to something vs something else, it's really about when it makes more sense to use something and when something else.

Given this heuristic, we will use both approaches depending on the requirements and what we want to achieve.

It's like a Makefile just better

Setting up a local or test Kubernetes environment means orchestrating a bunch of commands, including scripts, yaml files, helm charts etc. In the imperative paradigm, this is typically done via a Makefile or bash scripts. The problem with make is that it is designed as a tool to build_C source code, it _can run commands but that's not its purpose. This means that when using Makefile we take on the whole unnecessary baggage of the build part.

Bash scripts are a bit better but after a while they became too verbose and heavy. This is especially true when the setup is created using defensive coding practices.

There is a tool that combines best of both worlds; just is similar to make, but focused on commands orchestration.

You will see a justfile in action later the example section.

Declarative approach is still our friend

Justfile contains all imperative logic needed to quickly create and destroy our local cluster. It exposes various knobs and buttons for us to interact with it or change settings.

Now on to the cluster apps. Installing a helm chart, operator or simple yaml file can be done declaratively using a GitOps process. This can be accomplished with Flux or ArgoCD. For a quick, local setup ArgoCD is a bit more user friendly due to its robust web client. Here we are utilizing app of apps pattern bootstrap additional apps from a single source. This article describes the pattern very well.

We have just scratched the surface of ArgoCD or GitOps. You can read more about GitOps in here and here.


Local setup doesn't exclude collaboration. There are 2 main ways how we can collaborate on demand.

  • use ngrok to expose local port on the internet and share our Kubernetes app
  • accept PRs to our argoCD repository to let someone else install infra/apps on our cluster

Read more here about using ngrok to share a local Kubernetes service over the internet.

Example setup

I'm using similar setup to test Universal Crossplane (uxp) which is an upstream fork of Crossplane.

Typing just<TAB> will show all available just targets.


set export
set shell := ["bash", "-uc"]

yaml := justfile_directory() + "/yaml"
scripts := justfile_directory() + "/scripts"

browse := if os() == "linux" { "xdg-open "} else { "open" }
copy := if os() == "linux" { "xsel -ib"} else { "pbcopy" }

argocd_port := "30950"
cluster_name := "control-plane"

export gcp_provider_version := "v0.15.0"

# this list of available targets
# targets marked with * are main targets
@just --list --unsorted

# * setup kind cluster with GCP official provider and ArgoCD
setup_infra: setup_kind setup_uxp setup_gcp setup_argo

# setup kind cluster
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -euo pipefail

echo "Creating kind cluster - {{cluster_name}}"
envsubst < kind-config.yaml | kind create cluster --config - --wait 3m
kind get kubeconfig --name {{cluster_name}}
kubectl config use-context kind-{{cluster_name}}

# setup universal crossplane
echo "Installing UXP"
kubectl create namespace upbound-system
helm repo add upbound-stable && helm repo update
helm install uxp --namespace upbound-system upbound-stable/universal-crossplane --devel
kubectl wait --for condition=Available=True --timeout=300s deployment/xgql --namespace upbound-system

# setup GCP official provider
@echo "Setting up GCP official provider"
@kubectl config use-context kind-control-plane
@envsubst < {{yaml}}/gcp-provider.yaml | kubectl apply -f -
@kubectl wait --for condition=healthy --timeout=300s provider/provider-gcp

# setup ArgoCD and patch server service to nodePort 30950
@echo "Installing ArgoCD"
@kubectl create namespace argocd
@kubectl apply -n argocd -f
@kubectl wait --for condition=Available=True --timeout=300s deployment/argocd-server --namespace argocd
@kubectl patch svc argocd-server -n argocd -p '{"spec": {"type": "NodePort"}}'
@kubectl patch svc argocd-server -n argocd --type merge --type='json' -p='[{"op": "replace", "path": "/spec/ports/0/nodePort", "value": {{argocd_port}}}]'

# copy ArgoCD server secret to clipboard and launch browser without port forwarding
@kubectl -n argocd get secret argocd-initial-admin-secret -o jsonpath="{.data.password}" | base64 -d | {{copy}}
@nohup {{browse}} http://localhost:{{argocd_port}} >/dev/null 2>&1 &

# bootstrap ArgoCD apps
@kubectl apply -f bootstrap.yaml

# * delete KIND cluster
@echo "Delete KIND cluster"
@kind delete clusters control-plane

@echo "Creating repo secret"
@kubectl apply -f ./secrets/repo-deploy-secret.yaml

Substitute variables in YAML files

Sometimes we need to patch YAML files with a custom value.

There are several ways of templating YAML. We can wrap it in a helm chart, use ytt, jsonnet, yq, kustomize or many others. Those are all valid approaches, but for local environment, there is a simpler method.

We will use envsubst instead. It is a part of the GNU gettext utilities and should be already installed on your system. This tool enables us to patch environment variables on the fly.

Create the cluster

This will create a local kind cluster with ArgoCD and UXP installed.

This setup should work with linux and mac.

From the root folder run

just setup_infra

Once everything is set up, launch argo and login

just launch_argo
  • username: admin
  • password: should be in your clipboard so just paste it in the password text box. In case this didn't work, you can run @kubectl -n argocd get secret argocd-initial-admin-secret -o jsonpath="{.data.password}" | base64 -d to get the password.

Install more content

ArgoCD's Bootstrap app observes the apps directory for any changes once deployed.

There are 2 sample apps in the directory already.

just bootstrap_apps
kind: Application
name: bootstrap
namespace: argocd
namespace: argocd
server: https://kubernetes.default.svc
project: default
path: apps
targetRevision: HEAD
selfHeal: true
- CreateNamespace=true

This will deploy all the apps from the apps folder into the cluster via ArgoCD.


Destroy the cluster

just teardown


Deploying a local/test Kubernetes instance can and should be fully automated. We've seen how using declarative and imperative techniques helped us to create a fully functional cluster with ability to expose Kubernetes services as well as collaborate with anyone willing to contribute content.

This setup can be easily transitioned to a production cluster. In this case however, the imperative components of the installation should be transitioned to declarative approach to help with maintenance.

I'm using this setup to test Universal Crossplane and its providers. What will you use it for? Do you think you would improve, change parts of the setup? Let me know in the comments below.